An ever growing range of primary teaching resources carefully created by us. Our resources are here to help you build amazing lessons for your pupils without starting from scratch.
An ever growing range of primary teaching resources carefully created by us. Our resources are here to help you build amazing lessons for your pupils without starting from scratch.
Perfect when children are learning how to create verbs by adding suffixes in Year 5 or consolidation in Year 6.
Matching cards for children to match nouns and adjectives to a range of suffixes. Ideal for use in small groups or pairs.
‘Ise’ activity sheets with three levels of differentiation allowing children to add suffixes using the correct spelling rule and using them in sentences.
‘Ate’ activity sheets with three levels of differentiation allowing children to add suffixes using the correct spelling rule and using them in sentences.
‘Ify’ activity sheets with three levels of differentiation allowing children to add suffixes using the correct spelling rule and using them in sentences.
‘En’ activity sheet allowing children to add suffixes using the correct spelling rule and using them in sentences.
National Curriculum
Year 5 Statutory content to be introduced – Converting nouns or adjectives into verbs using suffixes [for example, –ate; –ise; –ify]
Years 5 and 6 – Pupils should be taught to use further prefixes and suffixes and understand the guidance for adding them.
Adding suffixes when no changes need to be made to the root word or when ‘e’ needs to be removed.
Adding suffixes when no changes need to be made to the root word, when ‘e’ needs to be removed and removing ‘y’ when adding ‘ify’.
Adding suffixes when no changes need to be made to the root word, when ‘e’ needsto be removed, removing ‘y’, ‘ation’, ‘able’ to add the suffix and exceptions to the rule.
A range of activities to teach parenthesis in Upper Key Stage Two.
Parenthesis activity sheets with three levels of differentiation, includes a range of activities for children to identify and use parenthesis within different sentences, as well as the punctuation used.
Parenthesis passages. Short paragraphs about The Titanic with three levels of differentiation for children to underline the parenthesis within.
Parenthesis display cards.
National Curriculum Links
Year 5 statutory content to be introduced – Brackets, dashes or commas to indicate parenthesis.
Years 5 and 6 – Pupils should be taught to develop their understanding of the concepts set out in English Appendix 2 b yusing brackets, dashes or commas to indicate parenthesis.
Parenthesis using ( ) , and – at the end of sentences.
Parenthesis using ( ) , and – in the middle and at the end of sentences in a range of single and multi-clause sentences.
Parenthesis using ( ) , and – in the middle and at the end of sentences in a range of multi-clause sentences.
Semi-colon activity sheets with three levels of differentiation that have a range of activities allowing children to use semi-colons correctly, inset them in the correct place and mark sentences that have tried to use them. Answers included.
Semi-colon talk cards, a range of questions including questions about how semi-colons can be used and identifying where they can be used in a sentence. Perfect for use in pairs or small groups to consolidate what children know about using semi-colons.
Semi-colon passages. Short paragraphs with three levels of differentiation where children need to identify where the semi-colons need to go. Ideal as a short activity or as part of a grammar session. Answers included.
National Curriculum
Year 6 statutory content to be introduced – Use of the semi-colon, colon and dash to mark the boundary between independent clauses [for example, It’s raining; I’m fed up].
Use of the colon to introduce a list and use of semi-colons within lists.
Years 5 and 6 – Pupils should be taught to indicate grammatical and other features by using semi-colons, colons or dashes to mark boundaries between independent clauses.
Separating detailed items in a list and using semi-colons to replace conjunctions.
Separating detailed items in a list, using semi-colons to replace conjunctions and to separate related clauses.
Separating detailed items in a list, using semi-colons to replace conjunctions and to separate related clauses in multi-clause sentences.
Ideal when teaching how to add prefixes to verbs in Year 5 or consolidation in Year 6.
Matching cards for children to match prefixes to verbs, ideal for use in small groups or pairs.
Activity sheets for children to add a range of prefixes to create new verbs and understand their meanings. Prefixes: de, mis, dis, over and re.
National Curriculum
Year 5 Statutory content to be introduced: verb prefixes [for example, dis–, de–, mis–, over– and re–].
Years 5 and 6 – Pupils should be taught to use further prefixes and suffixes and understand the guidance for adding them.
Ideal for use in Year 4 when fronted adverbials are first introduced or for consolidation in later years.
Fronted adverbials activity sheet with 3 levels of differentiation including a range of activities to allow children to identify and use a range of fronted adverbials. Answers included.
Fronted adverbials passages, short paragraphs with three levels of differentiation where children need to identify the fronted adverbials. Ideal as a short activity or a grammar session. Answers included.
‘Punctuating fronted adverbials with a comma’ activity sheet. A range of activities to encourage and remind children how to punctuate fronted adverbials with a comma. Answers included.
‘Punctuating fronted adverbials with a comma’ passage, a paragraph where children need to add the commas to the fronted adverbials they find. Answers included.
‘Fronted adverbials’ story. A short story about Ursula the Unicorn that children need to improve by adding fronted adverbials.
National Curriculum Links – Years 3 and 4
Terminology to be introduced in Year 4: fronted adverbial.
Years 3 and 4: Pupils should be taught to develop their understanding of the concepts set out in English Appendix 2 by using fronted adverbials.
Fronted adverbials to show time and ‘ly’ adverbials to show how.
Above + fronted adverbials to show time, place and how.
Above + fronted adverbials to show how often and possibility.
A bundle of 10 fun Chirstmas activities suitable across Key Stage Two. Select individual activities or create your own Christmas activity booklet.
Plan a Christmas party with a budget.
Mindfulness colouring.
Christmas elf and bauble colouring and craft.
Spell check a Christmas letter (activities for Years 3&4 and Years 5&6).
Addition and subtraction Christmas trees.
Christmas story writing.
Snowflake symmetry.
Sorting the 12 days of Christmas.
Rearranging instructions for a Christmas recipe.
Sort and identify Merry Christmas in different languages on map of the world.
These activities are also available as part of our Advent Calendar, along with many more Christmas themed activities.
Ideal for introducing prepositions in Year 3 or consolidation in Year 4.
Activity sheets with three levels of differentiation including a range of activities to help children identify prepositions that show the position of a noun in a sentence. Answers included.
Preposition passages, short paragraphs with three levels of differentiation where children need to identify the prepositions used to show the position of nouns. Ideal as a short activity or a grammar session. Answers included.
Preposition matching cards – match the picture to the preposition. Ideal for small group or paired work.
Preposition display cards.
National Curriculum Links
-Statutory content to be introduced in Year 3:
-Expressing place using prepositions.
Behind, on, outside, underneath, above, beside.
Behind, on, outside, underneath, above, beside, inside, alongside, upon, below.
Behind, on, outside, underneath, above, beside, inside, alongside, upon, below, by, between, near, among, around.
A bundle of resources to teach commas for clarity in Years 5 and 6.
‘Commas for clarity’ activity sheets. A set of sheets with three levels of differentiation, including activities to allow children to identify correct and incorrect use of commas, where to add commas and how commas affect the meaning of sentences. Answers included.
‘Commas for clarity’ cards. A set of cards with pictures of signs using commas incorrectly, perfect to use in pairs or groups to encourage discussion around how commas can cause ambiguity.
National Curriculum Links
Year 5 statutory content to be introduced – use of commas to clarify meaning or avoid ambiguity.
Years 5 and 6 – Pupils should be taught to indicate grammatical and other features by using commas to clarify meaning or avoid ambiguity in writing.
Commas used to separate items in a list.
Commas used to separate items in a list and to clarify the meaning within a sentence.
Commas used to separate items in a list, to clarify the meaning within a sentence and clauses within multi-clause sentences.
A spelling and grammar themed escape room aimed at Years 5 and 6. Perfect as a fun grammar activity or for SATs revision.
Printable escape room where students try to find clues linked to Years 5 and 6 spelling words.
Printable grammar clue cards - the spelling words hidden in the escape room lead students to grammar questions for them to solve in their pairs/groups. Each solved grammar clue leads to a number, part of the code for the safe in the escape room.
PPT introducing the escape room and clues.
Teacher’s instructions and answers.
Ideal for use in Lower Key Stage Two, builds on the work done in Year Two on subordinating conjunctions.
Subordinating conjunction activity sheets with three levels of differentiation including a range of activities to help children recognise and understand the meaning of different subordinating conjunctions. Answers included.
Subordinating conjunction passages, short paragraphs with three levels of differentiation where children need to identify the subordinating conjunctions used. Ideal as a short activity or a grammar session. Answers included.
Coordinating conjunction activity sheets with three levels of differentiation including a range of activities to help children recognise and use different coordinating conjunctions. Answers included.
Coordinating conjunction passages, short paragraphs with three levels of differentiation where children need to identify the coordinating conjunctions used. Ideal as a short activity or a grammar session. Answers included.
Conjunction talk cards. A range of questions including identifying the missing conjunction in a sentence, discussing the effectiveness of a conjunction and explaining how different conjunctions can change the meaning of a sentence. Answers included.
Conjunction display cards.
National Curriculum Links – Years 3 and 4
Pupils should be taught to extend the range of sentences with more than one clause by using a wider range of conjunctions, including when, if, because, although.
Use conjunctions to express time and cause.
Assessing the effectiveness of their own and others’ writing and suggesting improvements.
Subordinating conjunctions: when, because, if, that, however, although.
Coordinating conjunctions: and, but, or.
Subordinating conjunctions: when, because, if, that, however, although, as, until, before, while, even though.
Coordinating conjunctions: and, but, or, so, yet.
Subordinating conjunctions: when, because, if, that, however, although, as, until, before, while, even though, since, provided that, unless.
Coordinating conjunctions: and, but, or, so, yet, for, nor.
Ideal to teach modal verbs Upper KS2 when this objective is first introduced.
‘Modal verbs’ activity sheets with three levels of differentiation, includes a range of activities for children to identify how modal verbs are used within sentences.
‘Modal verbs’ passages, short paragraphs with three levels of differentiation children to identify the modal verbs used within sentences.
‘Modal verbs’ display cards for your class display.
National Curriculum Links
Statutory content to be introduced in Year 5 – Indicating degrees of possibility using modal verbs [for example, might, should, will, must]
Years 5 and 6 – Pupils should be taught to develop their understanding of the concepts set out in English Appendix 2 by using modal verbs to indicate degrees of possibility.
Modal verbs: should, would, will, may, can, could, might, must and shall.
Modal verbs: includes the above and wouldn’t, shouldn’t, won’t, can’t and mustn’t, in single and some multi-clause sentences.
Modal verbs: includes the above and ought to, in multi-clause sentences. Classifying the modal verbs into
positive and negative as well as by certainty and possibility.
A bundle of activities that are ideal in Upper Key Stage Two to help you teach pupils how to use colons.
Colon activity sheets with three levels of differentiation that have a range of activities allowing children to use colons correctly and correct sentences that haven’t used colons correctly. Answers included.
Colon talk cards, a range of questions including questions about how colons can be used and identifying where they can be used in a sentence. Perfect for use in pairs or small groups to consolidate what children know about how to use colons.
Colon passages. Short paragraphs with three levels of differentiation where children need to identify where the colons need to go. Ideal as a short activity or as part of a grammar session. Answers included.
National Curriculum
Year 6 statutory content to be introduced – Use of the semi-colon, colon and dash to mark the boundary between independent clauses [for example, It’s raining; I’m fed up].
Use of the colon to introduce a list and use of semi-colons within lists.
Years 5 and 6 – Pupils should be taught to indicate grammatical and other features by using semi-colons, colons or dashes to mark boundaries between independent clauses.
Pupils should be taught to indicate grammatical and other features by using using a colon to introduce a list.
Using colons to introduce lists.
Using colons to introduce lists and single words.
Using colons to introduce lists, single words, speech and to separate independent clauses.
A bundle of activities to teach relative clauses in Year 5 and 6.
‘Relative clauses’ activity sheets with three levels of differentiation. Includes a range of activities to allow children to identify relative clauses, write their own and think about the purpose within their own writing. Answers included.
‘Relative clauses’ passages. Short paragraphs with three levels of differentiation where children need to identify the relative clauses used. Ideal as a short activity or as part of a grammar session. Answers included.
‘Relative clauses’ game cards. A range of questions for children to ask each other as part of paired or group work.
Relative pronouns display cards.
National Curriculum Links
Year 5 statutory content to be introduced – Relative clauses beginning with who, which, where, when, whose, that, or an omitted relative pronoun.
Years 5 and 6 – Pupils should be taught to develop their understanding of the concepts set out in English Appendix 2 by using relative clauses beginning with who, which, where, when, whose, that or with an implied (i.e. omitted) relative pronoun
Relative clauses beginning with who and which, at the end of sentences.
Relative clauses beginning with who, which, that, where, when and whose. Embedded clauses and at the end of sentences.
Relative clauses beginning with who, which, that, where, when and whose. Implied relative pronouns. Embedded clauses and at the end of sentences, as part of multi-clause sentences.
Twelve weeks of morning work tasks, four tasks per week. These activities are ideal for Year 5s in the Summer term as it focusses on what is commonly taught in the third term of the year, they can be used at any point of the year for recap and consolidation. Included in this download are weekly PPT presentations with the questions and answers and activity sheets (downloaded as PDF files) for students to complete their work on. Answers or examples are provided where appropriate.
Each week consists of two Maths based activities and two English based activities. In this unit of Summer term morning tasks there is a weekly fluency task introduced, with 8 fluency questions and a reasoning question as a challenge. The activities cover the following:
Four Operations.
Times tables facts, including factors.
Multiplication and division, including decimals.
Place value.
Fractions, decimals and percentages.
Area and perimeter.
Interpreting timetables and line graphs.
Translating and reflecting shapes.
Modal verbs.
Relative clauses.
Creative writing.
Understanding the meaning of words.
Mini reading comprehensions.
Editing/continuing writing scripts.
Open ended writing tasks.
Items are downloaded as PPT and PDF files.
Twelve weeks of morning task activities, four activities per week.
These morning activities are perfect for the start of the day, after break or lunch. We know how these times of the school day can be tricky and there is a lot going on, each day’s activity focuses on one objective with a challenge for any students who need it. They are designed to review curriculum knowledge that students have already learnt about, so are a perfect way to warm up for the day.
These activities are prepared for the second term of Year 3 but can be used whenever. Objectives cover:
Adding 10 and 100
Times tables
Mental addition and subtraction
Formal written methods for the four operations
Spelling, including common exception words
Word classes
Number sequences
Creative writing
Identifying fractions
Number lines involving whole numbers and fractions
Reading scales
Direct speech
Reading and writing instructions
Vowels and consonants
Ordering and comparing numbers and more!
PPT and worksheets (downloaded as PDF files). Answers/examples provided where appropriate.
Twelve weeks of morning work tasks, four tasks per week. These activities are ideal for Year 5s in the Spring term as it focusses on what is commonly taught in the second term of the year, they can also be used at any point of the year for recap and consolidation.
Each week consists of two Maths based activities and two English based activities, covering the following:
Four Operations.
Times tables facts, including factors.
Multiplication and division.
Place value.
Fractions, decimals and percentages.
Area and perimeter.
Interpreting timetables and line graphs.
Modal verbs.
Relative clauses.
Creative writing.
Understanding the meaning of words.
Mini reading comprehensions.
Editing/continuing writing scripts.
Items are downloaded as PPT or PDF files.
Eleven weeks of morning task activities, four activities per week.
These morning activities are perfect for the start of the day, after break or lunch. We know how these times of the school day can be tricky and there’s a lot going on, each day’s activity focuses on one objective with a challenge for any students who need it. They are designed to review curriculum knowledge that students have already learnt about, so are a perfect way to warm up for the day.
These activities are prepared for the second term of Year 4 but can be used whenever, keep an eye out for morning tasks for the rest of the year or buy our Autumn and Spring Bundle here. Objectives and activities include:
Multiplication and division facts
Multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100
Multiplying 2 and 3 digit numbers by 1 digit
Recognising fractions and their equivalents
Writing decimals
Sequences and patterns
Adjectives, nouns, verbs and adverbs
Following instructions to create an image
Writing stories and letters
Reading comprehensions
Fourteen weeks of morning task activities, four activities per week.
These morning activities are perfect for the start of the day, after break or lunch. We know how these times of the school day can be tricky and there is a lot going on, each day’s activity focuses on one objective with a challenge for any students who need it. They are designed to review curriculum knowledge that students have already learnt about, so are a perfect way to warm up for the day.
These activities are prepared for the first term of Year 3 but can be used whenever. Objectives cover:
Adding 10 and 100
Times tables
Mental addition and subtraction
Spelling, including common exception words
Word classes
Number sequences
Ordering and comparing numbers and more!
PPT and worksheets. Answers/examples provided where appropriate.
Fourteen weeks of morning task activities, four activities per week.
These morning activities are perfect for the start of the day, after break or lunch. We know how these times of the school day can be tricky and there is a lot going on, each day’s activity focuses on one objective with a challenge for any students who need it. They are designed to review curriculum knowledge that students have already learnt about, so are a perfect way to warm up for the day.
These activities are prepared for the first term of Year 4 but can be used whenever, keep an eye out for morning tasks for the rest of the year or buy our Autumn and Spring bundle here. Objectives cover:
Times tables
Writing numbers in words and digits
Roman numerals
Addition and subtraction
Adjectives, nouns, verbs and adverbs
Writing instructions, play scripts and cartoon strips
Editing writing
Coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.
This fantastic bundle has everything you need to get you through the Christmas season in school. A bundle of activities for those tricky days full of singing rehearsals and Christmas parties and a full code breaker lesson to add some festive cheer to your Maths lessons.